Membership Advantages for School District Members

  • Superintendent participation in the development of a Legislative Platform.
  • Lobbying and representation on local, state, and federal education issues including weekly reports on key votes and legislation during the session.  Our legislative liaison is Steve Carroll of Steven R. Carroll & Associates.
  • Face-to-face meetings with our legislative liaison during the session for critical updates, predictions.
  • Professional staff development offerings by nationally known education leaders that address first-class, cutting-edge classroom instruction and learning opportunities for member districts.
  • Discounts for instructional programs and supplies from education vendors through our Professional Development Network (PDN).
  • Access to programs such as self-insurance, purchasing, and retirement trust.
  • Benefits from local and statewide studies and initiatives that impact school funding and operations.
  • Access to “members only” section of website.  This section will contain various comparison surveys among our 32 member districts, such as an annual survey that contains staffing and salary information regarding principals, teachers, and classified staff.
  • Support in crisis management, communications, administration.
  • Regional leadership on education issues.
  • Analysis, surveys (i.e., Annual Survey,  Economic Impact Survey, and other surveys as requested), and information such as member districts’ composite calendar.
  • Access to a College Credit Study and Report that can assist districts in determining when course work being offered to teachers is rigorous and relevant so that it is appropriate for advancement on the teacher salary schedule.
  • Opportunity to attend with your legislators (and superintendent, central office staff, and board of education members) an annual Legislative Appreciation Dinner.
  • Annual business meeting (with superintendent, central office staff, and board of education members) to elect CSDGKC Board of Directors and Officers.  End of Session Legislative Analysis provided at this meeting by legislative liaisons.  Executive Director provides state of the organization report (always in June).


Advantages of Membership:  Testimonials

 “The benefits of a Cooperating School Districts of Greater Kansas City membership are substantial.   By pooling resources together as members for the betterment of all children in the Kansas City region, we are able to make public education a strength in our districts.  Members are able to hear from experts in education about a wide variety of topics affecting our districts today.  In addition, the networking that takes place among CSDGKC members is invaluable.  It’s because of these reasons and so many more that all member districts are a benefactor of this top-notch organization” – Dr. Andrew S. Underwood, Superintendent of Schools, Belton School District #124

” Membership in Cooperating School Districts of Greater Kansas City has given us a layer of support that would not otherwise be present.  On each large or small scale issue, there is an opportunity to connect with other districts to give and receive ideas.  In the areas of legislation and finance in particular, we are very pleased to be a part of this partnership.” Dr. Allan Markley, Superintendent, Raytown School District